Heat up olive oil on a frying pan, add thin-sliced bacon and fry for approx. 8 minutes on low heat, stir often. Meanwhile, cook up pasta according to the recipe on the package. In a bowl, mix cream with eggs previously steamed with boiling water, add salt and pepper.

Drain the pasta, put back to the pot, add bacon, half of the parmesan, and pour in the eggs with cream. Mix it, put on a heated platter, sprinkle with the rest of parmesan, and serve immediately.

Bon appétit!


Divide broccoli into florets. Put half of the florets into salted, boiling water for approx. 5 minutes. Then, drain and pour with cold water to prevent the color from fading and keep it crispy.

Glaze fine-chopped onion and garlic in a pot in oil. Add the second half of raw broccoli florets, pour with vegetable broth and boil for ca. 15 minutes. Take off the fire and thoroughly blend in a blender. Add salt, pepper and let in cool down. Finally, add the egg previously tamped with cream and stir the whole.

Butter your lasagne mold and pour it with milk. Place a layer of pasta, cover it with broccoli sauce, and then add the previously prepared broccoli florets and mozzarella. Repeat this until you run out of the components. Add sauce onto the last layer of pasta and sprinkle it with ground parmesan. Bake it under a cover in an oven warmed up to 180 degrees C for ca. 35 minutes.

Bon appétit!


Boil the pasta according to the recipe on the package. Peal the tomatoes off, cut into quarters, and remove the stones. Cut the flesh into cubes. Fry fine-chopped garlic on a frying pan in olive oil. Add diced pepper without seeds and fry for approx. 2 minutes on low heat.

Add tomatoes, add salt and boil for about 5 minutes. Finally, add pasta, stir and boil for another minute. Put on a plate, sprinkle with basil leaves and ground Parmesan cheese.

Bon appétit!


Boil the pasta al dente according to the recipe on the package. Blend the cheese with sugar and eggs into uniform mass. Then, add the pasta and the fruits, stir it delicately and pour into a buttered casserole. Bake it in an oven heated up to a temperature of 180 degrees C for ca. 15-20 minutes. Serve the cake hot or cold, decorated with fresh forest fruits.

Bon appétit!


Boil the pasta al dente according to the recipe on the package. Dice the chicken breast fine and fry in butter for ca.. 3 minutes, adding salt and pepper. Then, mix with noodles and let in cool down.

Tamp the eggs with cream, add half of the ground cheese, add spice and pour into the cooled pasta with meat. Stir the whole and put into previously buttered Teflon muffin molds. Sprinkle the top with the rest of yellow cheese. Bake it in an oven warmed up to 170 degrees C for ca. 10-15 minutes. Serve it warm, solo, or with garlic sauce.

Bon appétit!

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