
Divide broccoli into florets. Put half of the florets into salted, boiling water for approx. 5 minutes. Then, drain and pour with cold water to prevent the color from fading and keep it crispy.

Glaze fine-chopped onion and garlic in a pot in oil. Add the second half of raw broccoli florets, pour with vegetable broth and boil for ca. 15 minutes. Take off the fire and thoroughly blend in a blender. Add salt, pepper and let in cool down. Finally, add the egg previously tamped with cream and stir the whole.

Butter your lasagne mold and pour it with milk. Place a layer of pasta, cover it with broccoli sauce, and then add the previously prepared broccoli florets and mozzarella. Repeat this until you run out of the components. Add sauce onto the last layer of pasta and sprinkle it with ground parmesan. Bake it under a cover in an oven warmed up to 180 degrees C for ca. 35 minutes.

Bon appétit!

60 min 4 portions


  • - 12 plates of lasagne AS BABUNI pasta
  • - 1 broccoli
  • - 1 onion
  • - 1 garlic clove
  • - 300 g of mozzarella in balls
  • - 250 ml of vegetable broth
  • - 2 tablespoons of ground parmesan
  • - 1 spoon of butter
  • - 80 ml of liquid 18% or 30% cream
  • - 1 egg
  • - 5 spoons of milk
  • - 3 spoons of olive oil
  • - salt and pepper
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