
Boil the pasta al dente according to the recipe on the package. Dice the chicken breast fine and fry in butter for ca.. 3 minutes, adding salt and pepper. Then, mix with noodles and let in cool down.

Tamp the eggs with cream, add half of the ground cheese, add spice and pour into the cooled pasta with meat. Stir the whole and put into previously buttered Teflon muffin molds. Sprinkle the top with the rest of yellow cheese. Bake it in an oven warmed up to 170 degrees C for ca. 10-15 minutes. Serve it warm, solo, or with garlic sauce.

Bon appétit!

20 min 2 portions


  • - 200 g of AS BABUNI 4-egg tear-shaped pasta
  • - 100 g of chicken breast
  • - 5g of clarified butter
  • - 80 ml of 30% cream
  • - 4 eggs
  • - 20 g of ground yellow cheese
  • - salt and pepper
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