
Boil the pasta according to the recipe on the package. Dice the chicken and fry in heated oil, adding salt and pepper. Add sliced mushrooms and broccoli florets. Then, add pasta, stir and steam the whole on low heat for ca. 15 minutes. Finally, add mascarpone cheese, and fine-chopped dill. Put the dish onto a plate, and sprinkle the top and the edges of the plate with freshly milled pepper.

Bon appétit!

35 min 3 portions


  • - 300 g of AS BABUNI pappardelle pasta (bands)
  • - 250 g chicken breast
  • - 200 g of brown mushrooms
  • - 1 broccoli
  • - 1 small bundle of dill
  • - 4 spoons of oil
  • - 80 g of mascarpone cheese
  • - salt and pepper
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